Alpha course - exploring life's big question
to 9 Apr

Alpha course - exploring life's big question

If you, or someone you know is asking questions about faith, the meaning of life or what Christianity is all about - Alpha is a wonderful place to start!

Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others. It’s a series of sessions focused on questions of life, faith and meaning. Each session has food, a talk, with space to discuss and ask any questions you want.

No pressure, follow up or charge

Our next course:
Wednesday evenings from February 26th till April 9th
7:00pm - 8:30pm
1 Tui Street, Lower Hutt

If you are keen, register by emailing to let us know

1. your name
2. if you are bringing anyone with you

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Combined churches prayer night (Eastern suburbs)
7:30 pm19:30

Combined churches prayer night (Eastern suburbs)

Venue - Miramar Salvation Army

As we intentionally pursue ways of praying more for our suburbs, the churches of the eastern suburbs are gathering to pray in unity for God to move. We’ll also be launching a joint prayer walking initiative at this prayer night so please prioritise it in your calendars and let’s try and have as many of us there as we can.

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Alpha Course - Exploring Life's Big Questions (East)
to 1 Jul

Alpha Course - Exploring Life's Big Questions (East)

Are you or someone you know interested in learning more about life, faith and Jesus? Alpha is a warm, friendly course where everyone is welcome. Over some food, explore what the Christian faith is all about through a series of dynamic videos and open discussion. This course will run fortnightly on Tuesdays in Miramar. Email to register or if you have any questions.

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Cultural Orientation
1:00 pm13:00

Cultural Orientation

Simon and Jenny are committed to continuing the journey as we learn about Te Ao Māori and what this means for us as a church whānau. This is not a quick, neat project we are racing through, but rather a longer journey of relationship building, learning and prayerful consideration.

As part of the refugee resettlement project, we have had the opportunity to connect with iwi and begin a relationship to learn and understand Te Ao Maōri, especially as it relates to the areas of Wellington where we as The Street Church gather.

The format of this will consist of a number of haerenga (journey) around Wellington on Sunday afternoons over 2025 and potentially into 2026.

The first opportunity is Sunday 6th April 1pm - 5pm (Location TBC, but will be somewhere in the Petone region)

If you would be interested in deepening your understanding and walking this learning journey with Simon and Jenny, please email by 23th March. There is a maximum capacity for the group, so once all the available spaces are filled the group will be closed.

Click here to read about Ali, who will be leading these haerenga.

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First Step
12:30 pm12:30

First Step

An opportunity to learn about The Street Church and the East location over a relaxed lunch. 

All welcome, whether you're new to the East location or been around a while.

Please register via the link or from the website so we know how many people are coming. We will be in touch to confirm the address and any dietary requirements.

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First Year Dinner
6:30 pm18:30

First Year Dinner

Hey first years and new to Wellington people!! Each year we like to have a no strings attached dinner, where you can come for a free feed, meet some new friends, and have some fun! This dinner is open to any first year students, or those new to Wellington and uni age, or any school leavers who are on gap year! Please register so we have an idea of numbers.

Wednesday 5th March, 6.30pm.

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First Step - Night
3:00 pm15:00

First Step - Night

First Step is an afternoon tea to find out more about The Street Night! Come along to share some kai, meet some leaders, hear about the church history, values, and mission, AND make some new friends!

Please register so we know how many people to cater for. See you there!

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Prayer for Community Dinner
8:00 pm20:00

Prayer for Community Dinner

  • Timothy and Andrea's house (email for the address) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Our desire is that Community Dinners wouldn't just meet a practical or a social need, but also a spiritual need. That people would come to know the love of Jesus through what we do each Wednesday. Let's come together and pray for God to do that through us.

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Volunteer celebration lunch
11:30 am11:30

Volunteer celebration lunch

Our church is only able to do all that we do because of the many amazing people that give up their time to serve. Serving others is such a critical part of being followers of Jesus, and we are so grateful for the service of so many at The Street, East. To celebrate our volunteers, we will be having lunch together after the service on Sunday 1st December. Watch this space for more information but for now, put it in your calendar. Everyone is welcome whether you have a volunteer role or not.

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East First Step Welcome Lunch
12:30 pm12:30

East First Step Welcome Lunch

First Step is an event we run for anyone new to The Street. It's an opportunity to get to know you and for you to hear a bit more about The Street, meet some of the leaders, and discover how you can get more connected.

We really encourage every person who starts coming to The Street to get along to one of these. If you can't make this one, please message us and we'll make sure we organise the next one so you can come!

Venue: Angus and Grace’s House

Register here if you can come

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Soul Tour
to 5 Oct

Soul Tour

Soul Tour is the ultimate Christian life-skills course for young adults! It's a crash-course aimed at giving 16-28 year olds helpful insights and tools to better understand themselves, God and the world around them.

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