More copies of the Bible have been sold than any other book - around 3.9 billion copies in the last 50 years alone. So what is it about the Bible that makes it so special? Why do Christians think it’s so important? And how could such an ancient book still have something to say to a 21st century world? Join us on this 4-week focus on the ultimate bestseller.
“Bestseller” is the first installment in our collection of series entitled “Pillars”.
Bestseller, Part 4: The Bible Is Sufficient // Matt Rowan
July 11, 2021 - Matt RowanSufficiency means that God has given us all we need in the Bible to understand how to follow Him. In a world where endless information is almost instantly available, could it really be that God has said all we need to hear from Him in this one collection of books?
Bestseller, Part 4: The Bible Is Sufficient // Simon Gill
July 11, 2021 - Simon GillSufficiency means that God has given us all we need in the Bible to understand how to follow Him. In a world where endless information is almost instantly available, could it really be that God has said all we need to hear from Him in this one collection of books?
Bestseller, Part 4: The Bible Is Sufficient // James Rees-Thomas
July 11, 2021 - James Rees-ThomasSufficiency means that God has given us all we need in the Bible to understand how to follow Him. In a world where endless information is almost instantly available, could it really be that God has said all we need to hear from Him in this one collection of books?
Bestseller, Part 3: The Bible Is Authoritative // Simon Gill
July 04, 2021 - Simon GillWe believe that because God is the Bible's ultimate author, it comes to us with the authority of God. The problem is that the thought of obeying someone else, even God, doesn't sit too well in the 21st century. Could there be a good reason for why God calls for obedience?
Bestseller, Part 3: The Bible Is Authoritative // Matt Swank
July 04, 2021 - Matt SwankWe believe that because God is the Bible's ultimate author, it comes to us with the authority of God. The problem is that the thought of obeying someone else, even God, doesn't sit too well in the 21st century. Could there be a good reason for why God calls for obedience?
Bestseller, Part 2: The Bible Is Truth // Aidan Meerman
June 27, 2021 - Aidan MeermanWe believe the Bible is true and without error because its ultimate author is God. But, more than just true, Jesus tells us that God's word is truth. This week we discover why this is important and how we see the Bible in comparison to every other book.
Bestseller, Part 1: The Bible Is God's Word // Simon Gill
June 20, 2021 - Simon GillWritten in three languages, on three continents, by 40 different authors and across 1,500 years, the Bible is a book with one ultimate author. The one true God. So why should we believe this and why does it matter?
Bestseller, Part 1: The Bible Is God's Word // Jerram Watts
June 20, 2021 - Jerram WattsWritten in three languages, on three continents, by 40 different authors and across 1,500 years, the Bible is a book with one ultimate author. The one true God. So why should we believe this and why does it matter?