Easter 2022
Easter is the most amazing time of the year when we reflect on the death and resurrection of our saviour, Jesus Christ.
We are taking more time this year to read and reflect on what Jesus experienced for us: before He died, on the cross and what His resurrection means for all humanity!
Check back here each day in the lead up to Easter Sunday. We’ll have three short devotionals on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, followed by our online service to celebrate on Sunday.
We encourage you, whoever you are with or wherever you are, to read the scriptures that are referenced and then spend time talking about them, reflecting on what stands out to you. Let’s remind ourselves what Jesus went through for us in His death and resurrection, leading us into worship as our souls rejoice in the glory and sacrifice of our King!
Easter 2022, Part 4: Resurrection Sunday // Simon Gill
April 17, 2022 - Simon GillHe is not here. He has risen! These are the words of the angel at the empty tomb of Jesus. It’s an announcement that changes everything. The question is whether we’ve allowed that message to change our own lives too.
Easter 2022, Part 3: The Middle Day // Simon & Jenny Gill
April 16, 2022 - Simon Gill,Jenny GillIt's Easter Saturday, the day that's so often forgotten. We want to encourage you to sit in the sense of loss that the disciples may have felt on this day. It’s what makes the victory of resurrection Sunday so much sweeter.
Have a listen to O Praise The Name by Hillsong Worship as you reflect on this today.
Easter 2022, Part 2: The Crucifixion // Tom & Anna Field
April 15, 2022 - Tom Field,Anna FieldWelcome to Friday. The day Jesus was mocked and accused, then beaten and nailed to a Roman Cross. As you read through Matthew 27:15-54, what would you say to Jesus?
Have a listen to True Love by Phil Wickham as you reflect on today.
Easter 2022, Part 1: The Last Supper // Jerram Watts
April 14, 2022 - Jerram WattsWhat comes to mind when you think of communion? Is it only something you do for a brief few minutes on a Sunday? Or is it something more? We begin our walk towards resurrection Sunday with a look at the Last Supper - the first communion, where Jesus sat around a dinner table with his closest friends, on a night that ended with him abandoned in a garden.
Have a listen to Communion by Brooke Ligertwood as you reflect on this today.