Family Of Faith
What a season of upheaval and uncertainty we are faced with in our world. Covid-19 has shaken up so much and many of us are wondering what “normal” will look like from now on. People are concerned about the economy and jobs, public health, and loved ones overseas. All this on top of all that we were already concerned about.
And yet the vision and mission of the church do not change. We all have to play our part in helping as many people as possible to become total followers of Jesus. In the midst of so much uncertainty, it’s good to be reminded that we were always called to live by faith.
So using the story of Abraham and Sarah, the original family of faith, let’s have conversations together about how we too, as the church, can be a family of faith.
Family Of Faith, Part 3: Trust With Everything // Sarah Field
July 19, 2020 - Sarah FieldIt’s only when things get really shaken up that what we truly believe is revealed. Have we ever known a time when things have been so shaken up? Abraham’s faith was tested to an extreme and proved to be genuine. Could it be that we, too, might learn to be people who can trust God with everything?
Family Of Faith, Part 3: Trust With Everything // Simon & Jenny Gill
July 19, 2020 - Jenny GillIt’s only when things get really shaken up that what we truly believe is revealed. Have we ever known a time when things have been so shaken up? Abraham’s faith was tested to an extreme and proved to be genuine. Could it be that we, too, might learn to be people who can trust God with everything?
Family Of Faith, Part 3: Trust With Everything // Matt Swank
July 19, 2020 - Matt SwankIt’s only when things get really shaken up that what we truly believe is revealed. Have we ever known a time when things have been so shaken up? Abraham’s faith was tested to an extreme and proved to be genuine. Could it be that we, too, might learn to be people who can trust God with everything?
Family Of Faith, Part 2: Stand Firm // Jenny Gill
July 12, 2020 - Jenny GillSarah trusted in the character of God even when her own body was telling her that what God had promised was impossible. Is faith like this outrageous or can we learn to stand firm whatever is going on?
Family Of Faith, Part 1: Look Forward // Simon Gill
July 05, 2020 - Simon GillI wonder what you’re looking forward to? We all look forward to something. The question is not, therefore, whether we look forward, but whether we look forward far enough. Abraham is upheld as a shining example of faith. Something that may feel out of reach. But what if we discovered Abraham’s secret source of faith and look forward like he did.