Mission Possible
We have the greatest message. Jesus Christ - raised to life again. It’s a message that changes lives for eternity and we get to scatter it far and wide. Yet often it can be challenging to know where to start. In this series we examine a short conversation of Jesus with his disciples that gives us some great insights on how to share this message effectively.
Mission Possible, Part 3: Power, Perspective & Perspiration // Jerram Watts
August 07, 2022 - Jerram WattsThe ministry of Jesus was characterised by the power of miracles and by the way he saw people. He calls us to be workers in the harvest field, which tells us it won't be easy.
Mission Possible, Part 3: Power, Perspective & Perspiration // Jenny Gill
August 07, 2022 - Jenny GillThe ministry of Jesus was characterised by the power of miracles and by the way he saw people. He calls us to be workers in the harvest field, which tells us it won't be easy.
Mission Possible, Part 2: Proclaim Good News // Dave Elkin
July 31, 2022 - Dave ElkinAt the core of Jesus' ministry was a message that changes eternity. But it's a message that we share in a culture where people love to believe there are many paths. What does it look like to share this message with crystal clarity?
Mission Possible, Part 2: Proclaim Good News // Jenny Gill
July 31, 2022 - Jenny GillAt the core of Jesus' ministry was a message that changes eternity. But it's a message that we share in a culture where people love to believe there are many paths. What does it look like to share this message with crystal clarity?
Mission Possible, Part 1: Go Where People Go // Jenny Gill
July 24, 2022 - Jenny GillJesus Christ left the glory of heaven and dwelt among us with the message of good news. In his life and ministry he took this good news throughout the regions of Israel. As he commissions us with this good news, what does it look like for us to go where people are?