In Luke 6, Jesus is surrounded by an incredible mix of people. The committed, the interested, the desperate-for-change and the onlookers. Maybe there were skeptics too! Some are being healed and some are being set free. But as Jesus begins to teach, everyone is leaning in to listen.
You see, no one taught like this. No one spoke so deeply to their heads and their hearts like Jesus. And as he does, he redefines so many aspects of their lives. What they were living for, how they were treating one another and where their lives were based.
Could it be that Jesus has something to say today? That maybe we too have come to some wrong conclusions and that together we might lean in and listen and let him redefine life for us too.
Re:defined, Part 5: Where Are You Building? // Sarah Field
October 06, 2019 - Sarah FieldWhile storms in life are common to all and inevitable, there is open to us the opportunity to withstand them and it’s found in obedience. If we’re tired of picking up the pieces of our lives and mending broken relationships every time a storm comes, what does it look like to build well?
Re:defined, Part 5: Where Are You Building? // Nathan & Ashleigh Dawson
October 06, 2019 - Nathan Dawson,Ashleigh DawsonWhile storms in life are common to all and inevitable, there is open to us the opportunity to withstand them and it’s found in obedience. If we’re tired of picking up the pieces of our lives and mending broken relationships every time a storm comes, what does it look like to build well?
Re:defined, Part 4: Good Trees & Bad Trees // Jenny Gill
September 29, 2019 - Jenny GillWhat comes out of our mouths is the fruit that demonstrates the condition of our hearts. Before working on our words, maybe God needs to do something deeper.
Re:defined, Part 4: Good Trees & Bad Trees // Daniella Roche
September 29, 2019 - Daniella RocheWhat comes out of our mouths is the fruit that demonstrates the condition of our hearts. Before working on our words, maybe God needs to do something deeper.
Re:defined, Part 3: Judgment & Hypocrisy // Nick Field
September 22, 2019 - Nick FieldWhile condemnation is history and forgiveness rules, Jesus does call for an environment where we challenge one another but only once we’ve challenged ourselves. Here we discover that Jesus really does have something to say in our world that’s grappling with inclusion.
Re:defined, Part 2: Pray For Your Enemies // Simon Gill
September 15, 2019 - Simon GillJesus invites us into a different way of interacting with others. He challenges our view of justifying our behaviour based on either what we desire or what others do.
Re:defined, Part 2: Pray For Your Enemies // Josh Isaac
September 15, 2019 - Josh IsaacJesus invites us into a different way of interacting with others. He challenges our view of justifying our behaviour based on either what we desire or what others do.
Re:defined, Part 1: Beatitudes // Simon Gill
September 08, 2019 - Simon GillTo all those who were listening, from all backgrounds and beliefs, Jesus redefines success. The things we pursue, the things we celebrate are not necessarily the things that God does. Could it be that those we often look down on are actually better off?