Sent: Acts Part III
In Part 3 of our Acts series, we look at the results of the early church being scattered beyond Israel’s borders. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and scattered by persecution, the disciples see that God is at work, moving them beyond ethnic Israel and reaching non-Jewish people with the good news of Jesus Christ. They grasp the mission God has for them; they realise they’ve been sent.
Acts: Sent, Part 7: Sent with Scripture // Jamie Rodwell
October 20, 2024 - Jamie RodwellPaul and Silas continue their travels and continue to rely on the scriptures to reason with and compel both Jews and Gentiles to believe in and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Like the early church, we can be sure the scriptures are reliable and sufficient to communicate the good news to a needy world.
Acts: Sent, Part 6: Sent for Everyone // Leon Bakker
September 29, 2024 - Leon BakkerAs the gospel continues to spread around the Middle East, more and more people come to faith—people from every part of society: rich, poor and middle class. The gospel proves it is available and accessible to all—much like it is today.
Acts: Sent, Part 6: Sent for Everyone // Jenny Gill
September 29, 2024 - Jenny GillAs the gospel continues to spread around the Middle East, more and more people come to faith—people from every part of society: rich, poor and middle class. The gospel proves it is available and accessible to all—much like it is today.
Acts: Sent, Part 5: Sent Despite Differences // Caitlin Berkers
September 22, 2024 - Caitlin BerkersThough filled with the Holy Spirit and sent on mission together, followers of Jesus are still sinful and broken and so will make mistakes from time to time. Here, we see Paul and Barnabas unable to reconcile a disagreement and go their separate ways. What can we learn from this rare occurrence in scripture?
Acts: Sent, Part 5: Sent Despite Differences // Anna Holmes
September 22, 2024 - Anna HolmesThough filled with the Holy Spirit and sent on mission together, followers of Jesus are still sinful and broken and so will make mistakes from time to time. Here, we see Paul and Barnabas unable to reconcile a disagreement and go their separate ways. What can we learn from this rare occurrence in scripture?
Acts: Sent, Part 4: Sent with the Gospel of Grace // Jerram Watts
September 15, 2024 - Jerram WattsAnother huge moment in church history beckons as some people are teaching that Gentiles must follow Jewish customs to be truly saved. The church is compelled to find clarity and unity in the essential doctrine of salvation by grace alone through faith alone, not by works.
Acts: Sent, Part 3: Sent to Represent // Hayden Berkers
September 08, 2024 - Hayden BerkersWherever we go, followers of Jesus represent their Father in heaven, which means that although we have one message to share, how we share that message needs to be accessible to different audiences. Paul and Barnabas display this perfectly in how they minister to the Galatians.
Acts: Sent, Part 3: Sent to Represent // Simon Gill
September 08, 2024 - Simon GillWherever we go, followers of Jesus represent their Father in heaven, which means that although we have one message to share, how we share that message needs to be accessible to different audiences. Paul and Barnabas display this perfectly in how they minister to the Galatians.
Acts: Sent, Part 2: Sent with a Message // James Rees-Thomas
August 25, 2024 - James Rees-ThomasPaul and Barnabas are sent on a mission with a message: Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. The Church has the same mission and the same message today—it doesn't change!
Acts: Sent, Part 2: Sent with a Message // Emma Roche
August 25, 2024 - Emma RochePaul and Barnabas are sent on a mission with a message: Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. The Church has the same mission and the same message today—it doesn't change!
Acts: Sent, Part 1: Sent by the Spirit // Simon Gill
August 18, 2024 - Simon GillThis is a huge moment in church history: Paul and Barnabas are sent to take the gospel to other nations. This is the first missionary journey commissioned by the church in Jerusalem, and it will set in motion a spread of the gospel that continues today!