Jesus: The Better Way
Jesus is better than anything you’ve left behind, anything you’re tempted to go back to or tempted to try. For the unbeliever, Jesus is better than anything you’re holding onto or that’s holding you back from believing.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 13: God's Promise Or My Effort? // Jerram Watts
July 15, 2018 - Jerram WattsHave you ever witnessed someone who seemed solid in their faith turn and walk away from it? Such an action can leave you nervously wondering, "If they weren’t saved, how do I know I am? How do I know my salvation is secure?" This passage answers why you can and should have full assurance of your salvation.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 13: God’s Promise Or My Effort? // Nick Field
July 15, 2018 - Nick FieldHave you ever witnessed someone who seemed solid in their faith turn and walk away from it? Such an action can leave you nervously wondering, "If they weren’t saved, how do I know I am? How do I know my salvation is secure?"
This passage gives the answer as to why you can, and should, have full assurance of your salvation.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 12: Can You Lose It All? // Simon Gill
July 08, 2018 - Simon GillIs it possible to attend church, experience Christianity, and yet remain spiritually dead? And if it is, what might the consequences be for resisting the transforming power of Jesus Christ in you? If you're standing on the edge of faith in Christ, what's keeping you from jumping into life with Him?
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 12: Can You Lose It All? // Simon Gill
July 08, 2018 - Simon GillIs it possible to attend church, experience Christianity, and yet remain spiritually dead? And if it is, what might the consequences be for resisting the transforming power of Jesus Christ in you? If you're standing on the edge of faith in Christ, what's keeping you from jumping into life with Him?
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 11: Christian Risk Management // Matt Rowan
July 01, 2018 - Matt RowanHow would life be different where you had learned to distinguish good from evil so that you could always choose good? Having imparted great theology, the author turns to address the readers directly and helps us to see the importance of being teachable and the blessings of becoming mature.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 11: Christian Risk Management // Leon Bakker
July 01, 2018 - Leon BakkerHow would life be different where you had learned to distinguish good from evil so that you could always choose good? Having imparted great theology, the author turns to address the readers directly and helps us to see the importance of being teachable and the blessings of becoming mature.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 10: What To Do When You Mess Up // Simon Gill
June 24, 2018 - Simon GillJesus represents his people before God in an eternal priesthood that is far superior to what Israel had known before. As our Great High Priest, Jesus relates to our lives and is able to take us through everyday challenges in powerful ways.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 10: What To Do When You Mess Up // Nick Field
June 24, 2018 - Nick FieldJesus represents his people before God in an eternal priesthood that is far superior to what Israel had known before. As our Great High Priest, Jesus relates to our lives and is able to take us through everyday challenges in powerful ways.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 9: Out In The Open, A Healthy Approach To Sin // Simon Gill
June 17, 2018 - Simon GillIf we’re not careful, our confidence to approach God for forgiveness and grace can become based on whether we feel good enough rather than savouring the powerful truth that it is Jesus who represents us before God.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 9: Out In The Open, A Healthy Approach To Sin // Timon Bengston
June 17, 2018 - Timon BengstonIf we’re not careful, our confidence to approach God for forgiveness and grace can become based on whether we feel good enough rather than savouring the powerful truth that it is Jesus who represents us before God.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 8: Don’t Fall Short, Rest Is Available! // Nick Field
June 10, 2018 - Nick FieldWouldn't it be great if we could stay at rest even when conflict, stress, and trials push in on us? The Lord made a promise that we could enter His rest and that promise still stands today. Can you abandon your desire to strive in your own strength and find rest in His hands?
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 8: Don’t Fall Short, Rest Is Available! // James Rees-Thomas
June 10, 2018 - James Rees-ThomasWouldn't it be great if we could stay at rest even when conflict, stress, and trials push in on us? The Lord made a promise that we could enter His rest and that promise still stands today. Can you abandon your desire to strive in your own strength and find rest in His hands?
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 7: Hearts That Are Deadly // Sarah Field
June 03, 2018 - Sarah FieldHebrews 3 brings us to the second of five warnings in the book - watching out for unbelief. Let us be a church that is soft-hearted and looks for opportunities every day to encourage one another in belief.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 6: Church Vs Jesus // Simon Gill
May 27, 2018 - Simon GillMoses was a hero for Israel - someone they all looked up to. And yet his life and work pointed to one greater than he - Jesus himself - the foundation of our confidence and the hope in which we boast.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 6: Church Vs Jesus // Aidan Meerman
May 27, 2018 - Aidan MeermanMoses was a hero for Israel - someone they all looked up to. And yet his life and work pointed to one greater than he - Jesus himself - the foundation of our confidence and the hope in which we boast.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 5: Afraid To Die // Nick Field
May 13, 2018 - Nick FieldWhat we believe about Jesus is relevant and helpful even when it comes to life’s greatest questions and challenges. And so, we consider what Hebrews has to teach us about how we face life’s ultimate challenge - death.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 4: Message To The Hurting // Daniella Schroder
May 06, 2018 - Daniella RocheThere’s nothing like a fresh perspective. And while the pain and suffering we experience on earth still exists, we see Jesus; the one who identifies with our situation, who reigns over all and who patiently holds out the opportunity for people to believe in him.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 4: Message To The Hurting // Simon Gill
May 06, 2018 - Simon GillThere’s nothing like a fresh perspective. And while the pain and suffering we experience on earth still exists, we see Jesus; the one who identifies with our situation, who reigns over all and who patiently holds out the opportunity for people to believe in him.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 3: Freedom For Rule Followers // Jenny Gill
April 29, 2018 - Jenny GillNo-one would be casual about a life belt thrown to them in a flowing river. In the same way, Hebrews 2 shows us that we must be very careful that we don’t drift past this message of great salvation.
Notification: Don’t drift on by - the consequences are too great!
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 3: Freedom For Rule Followers // Bruce Read
April 29, 2018 - Bruce ReadNo-one would be casual about a life belt thrown to them in a flowing river. In the same way, Hebrews 2 shows us that we must be very careful that we don’t drift past this message of great salvation.
Notification: Don’t drift on by - the consequences are too great!
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 2: Who’s Really In Charge? // Simon Gill
April 22, 2018 - Simon GillAngels are awesome and powerful but they’re still no match for Jesus. On the basis of many Old Testament passages, Jesus - the one who is Son, King and Creator - is the one who is who is really in charge.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 2: Who’s Really In Charge? // Nick Field
April 22, 2018 - Nick FieldAngels are awesome and powerful but they’re still no match for Jesus. On the basis of many Old Testament passages, Jesus - the one who is Son, King and Creator - is the one who is who is really in charge.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 1: Jesus, Better! // Simon Gill
April 15, 2018 - Simon GillHebrews is an exhortation - a strong encouragement to Jesus followers everywhere - that no matter what you’ve left behind or are tempted to go back to - Jesus is better. This week, we introduce the book with it’s prologue and seven statements of greatness.
Better - It’s the theme of Hebrews. But it’s not ‘be better’ or ‘try harder’. It’s an invitation to believe in Jesus who just is… better.
Jesus: The Better Way, Part 1: Jesus, Better! // Nick Field
April 15, 2018 - Nick FieldHebrews is an exhortation - a strong encouragement to Jesus followers everywhere - that no matter what you’ve left behind or are tempted to go back to - Jesus is better. This week, we introduce the book with it’s prologue and seven statements of greatness.
Better - It’s the theme of Hebrews. But it’s not ‘be better’ or ‘try harder’. It’s an invitation to believe in Jesus who just is… better.