The Joy Revolution
As we consider the issues of our day and the state of mental health, it seems that we’re finding less and less to celebrate. And even when we do, is it ever based on more than circumstances? Could there be another way? Enter Philippians - a letter Paul wrote from a Roman prison - where a major theme is joy. Over 9 weeks, we’ll look at the 9 sections of the letter every single one of which has something to say about joy and where it can be found. Could it be that we would reverse the trend of our culture and start a joy revolution?
The Joy Revolution, Part 9: Just A Little Bit More // Simon Gill
September 01, 2019 - Simon GillIt’s great when we feel in control. When the job is secure, the bank balance is big and everything is looking up. But how much is enough. And what if it’s not looking up? Could there really be a joy in the times of lots and the times of little? Let’s discover the rare and precious joy of contentment.
The Joy Revolution, Part 9: Just A Little Bit More // Matt Swank
September 01, 2019 - Matt SwankIt’s great when we feel in control. When the job is secure, the bank balance is big and everything is looking up. But how much is enough. And what if it’s not looking up? Could there really be a joy in the times of lots and the times of little? Let’s discover the rare and precious joy of contentment.
The Joy Revolution, Part 8: Wellbeing // Jenny Gill
August 25, 2019 - Jenny GillOne of the words that seems to characterise our generation is anxiety. Whether it be world events, issues closer to home or our inner-world, the turmoil is real. So is the only solution to be free from turmoil or is there a better way through it all. Paul certainly thought so.
The Joy Revolution, Part 8: Wellbeing // Sarah Field
August 25, 2019 - Sarah FieldOne of the words that seems to characterise our generation is anxiety. Whether it be world events, issues closer to home or our inner-world, the turmoil is real. So is the only solution to be free from turmoil or is there a better way through it all. Paul certainly thought so.
The Joy Revolution, Part 7: Temporary Comfort // Simon Gill
August 18, 2019 - Simon GillPaul found joy in people who were following Jesus with everything - forgetting what was behind, straining for what was ahead, running like they’re trying to win the prize, keeping their minds on heavenly things. Could our lack of joy be associated with a preoccupation with the present or an inability to move on from the past?
The Joy Revolution, Part 7: Temporary Comfort // Nick Field
August 18, 2019 - Nick FieldPaul found joy in people who were following Jesus with everything - forgetting what was behind, straining for what was ahead, running like they’re trying to win the prize, keeping their minds on heavenly things. Could our lack of joy be associated with a preoccupation with the present or an inability to move on from the past?
The Joy Revolution, Part 6: Worth & Significance // Jamie Rodwell
August 11, 2019 - Jamie RodwellFinally we get to the crux of joy. For all of the things we could use to give ourselves a sense of significance or worth, there is one who transcends it all. Paul thought he had it all and yet when he met Jesus, he realised the true source of joy and value. Have we?
The Joy Revolution, Part 6: Worth & Significance // Simon Gill
August 11, 2019 - Simon GillFinally we get to the crux of joy. For all of the things we could use to give ourselves a sense of significance or worth, there is one who transcends it all. Paul thought he had it all and yet when he met Jesus, he realised the true source of joy and value. Have we?
The Joy Revolution, Part 6: Worth & Significance // Nick Field
August 11, 2019 - Nick FieldFinally we get to the crux of joy. For all of the things we could use to give ourselves a sense of significance or worth, there is one who transcends it all. Paul thought he had it all and yet when he met Jesus, he realised the true source of joy and value. Have we?
The Joy Revolution, Part 5: Idolising Celebrity // Daniella Roche
August 04, 2019 - Daniella RocheWe live in an age of celebrity like never before. Where we celebrate people for fame and fortune and wonder why we feel let down when they do something we don’t like. Could we be celebrating the wrong things? In Philippians, Paul calls us to honour people for the right things - people who live out the story of Jesus.
The Joy Revolution, Part 5: Idolising Celebrity // Nick Field
August 04, 2019 - Nick FieldWe live in an age of celebrity like never before. Where we celebrate people for fame and fortune and wonder why we feel let down when they do something we don’t like. Could we be celebrating the wrong things? In Philippians, Paul calls us to honour people for the right things - people who live out the story of Jesus.
The Joy Revolution, Part 4: Striving & Effort // Matt Swank
July 28, 2019 - Matt SwankOf all the work we’re doing and effort we’re putting in, how much of it will last for eternity? That’s the question posed this week as we find that Paul found joy in people becoming like Jesus because he knew it was a work that would make a difference - not just now but forever.
The Joy Revolution, Part 4: Striving & Effort // Aidan Meerman
July 28, 2019 - Aidan MeermanOf all the work we’re doing and effort we’re putting in, how much of it will last for eternity? That’s the question posed this week as we find that Paul found joy in people becoming like Jesus because he knew it was a work that would make a difference - not just now but forever.
The Joy Revolution, Part 3: Getting Our Own Way // Nick Field
July 21, 2019 - Nick FieldOne of the most famous passages in the BIble as Paul communicates the story of Jesus and his attitude on life. Could our lack of joy at times be because we think it’s found in getting our way? What do we learn from Jesus himself and the story that was told through his life?
The Joy Revolution, Part 2: Living Through Adversity // James Rees-Thomas
July 14, 2019 - James Rees-ThomasPaul found joy in purpose. Though he faced adversity, he saw how it was being used by God to accomplish the purpose of making Christ known. Do we find adversity today even harder if we lack the same sense of eternity or purpose?
The Joy Revolution, Part 2: Living Through Adversity // Josh Isaac
July 14, 2019 - Josh IsaacPaul found joy in purpose. Though he faced adversity, he saw how it was being used by God to accomplish the purpose of making Christ known. Do we find adversity today even harder if we lack the same sense of eternity or purpose?
The Joy Revolution, Part 1: Going It Alone // James Rees-Thomas
July 07, 2019 - James Rees-ThomasWelcome to the first week of The Joy Revolution - where a man in prison teaches about where he found joy and how he kept it. This week we find that the gospel ministry Paul was involved in was hard work and he found joy in those who partnered with him. Every single one of us goes through hard times. Have we found the joy of having someone else share the journey?
The Joy Revolution, Part 1: Going It Alone // Sarah Field
July 07, 2019 - Sarah FieldWelcome to the first week of The Joy Revolution - where a man in prison teaches about where he found joy and how he kept it. This week we find that the gospel ministry Paul was involved in was hard work and he found joy in those who partnered with him. Every single one of us goes through hard times. Have we found the joy of having someone else share the journey?